Veldig mange blir desverre svindlet på finn i dag. En dag var det noen som hadde blitt svindlet som tok kontakt med meg. De ville at jeg skulle vise hvordan svindlerne holder på. Det ville jeg selvfølgelig, men de som er i denne saken har selvføgelig blitt anonymisert. Finn har også mange tips mot svindel på sine nettsider.
Har du mistanke om svindel på finn.no?
Jeg kommer til å vise samtaler og dokumentasjon via svindler og de som ble forsøkt svindlet. De som har blitt svindlet har blitt anonymisert, men dette viser åssen svindleren holder på. Svindleren er ikke anonymisert. Først så skal jeg vise dialogen. Deretter vil jeg poste masse info om betalinger. All kommunikasjon går på engelsk. Dette er snakk om kjøp av en telefon.
Her er samtale mellom sønn og svindler:
Du må starte med å lese nederst da det er der det starter. Da samtalen er hentet ut fra epost.
Do you want your money or not Arne
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 8:02 PM, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you see what your ignorance of you and your so call mother caused to the transfer, are you willing to lose all your money or you want the money to be transfer into your account or not?
On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
Arne the bank is sending me reminder about the money transfer don’t let your stupidity make you lose all your money with compensation.
On Friday, January 12, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
Look Arne, if the fee keep going up and you did not pay the tax charges please do not ask me about any money transfer OK.
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
Time is going again today Arne.
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
This is not my fault and Arne after this is done the money will arrive at your account.
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
You told me that yesterday also
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 11:32 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Look Arne, I did not fool I swear and if this fee is paid today, they will transfer the money into your account Ok.
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
I will not delay but I want my money and I know that you have fool me because you are not sending me any money
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 11:18 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
It is a tax fee for insurance on the amount coming into your account, Arne please don’t delay this again.
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
You told me that the last fee was the last. Why do I have to pay more money no
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 11:08 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Arne, if the fee is paid you will receive the money on your account
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Why can’t you send me the money?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 10:29 skrev Arne <svindlet@gmail.com>:
I will just have my money today?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 10:04 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Arne, you need to pay it and once the fee is paid the transfer will be done into your account
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Why do I have to pay that?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 09:13 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
No Arne, this is a tax payment. Be rest assure that you will receive all your money today if the tax fee is paid .
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Why do have not have my money on my account now? You told me that the money was coming yesterday and what happened? The same thing as before
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 05:47 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Listen Arne, I have never play any game with you and If you pay the fee the money will be transfer into your account OK and if you delay this again that is your problem.
On Thursday, January 11, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
How should I get my money back?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 00:00 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Look Arne, I did not understand when you involve your mother in this. Because she is not the one I’m buy from her hand and I never cheated you, this is crazy Arne. I’m also getting angry and sad about this shit you are doing, you think involving your mother will make the bank transfer the money into your account. The bank has there own rules and law Ok, it is better you make the payment on time and stop all this delay you want start causing by yourself again. Because the bank will never answer any third party that contact them, because they will not disclose any transfer to anyone. I’m getting tired of you Arne seriously.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
You will surely receive all your money Arne if this fee can be paid I swear Arne.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
What do you mean by stupid Arne there is know stupidity in this, this is an error transfer that occur and the money cannot be cancel again this is the reason why they requested for fee before conclusion of the money transfer into your account, and you know all this yourself before now and all the fee you have paid will be deducted from the amount coming into your account. All this is happening because I’m on sailing for now and the police is not the bank transferring money into your account don’t be stupid and i ask you if you understand English yesterday and you told me yes, but to me you do not understand anything about English . I don’t have anything to do with your money Arne and my money is also involved in this, I should be the one scared of you running away with the whole money when you receive it on your account. But I’m just doing this to make sure you get all your money without any problem, if I’m cheating you will I still send you an email after receiving the money and the package do you think at all Arne. I also work for money I will never in my life cheat another human being like me Ok.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you think i’m stupid? 245,000kr?? I will go to the police and review you
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 22:33 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Because all the fee you are paying is coming back to you with compensation with all the sending cost which will be deducted from the 245,000 coming into your account.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
You don’t think the fee is high?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 22:27 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
The fee is not high, and I don’t understand when you said you want to go to police and review me. My question is the police the bank transferring the money into your account, Look Arne you are the one delaying the fee again and have it on your mind that you will surely get all the fee you have pay with compensation and the fee cost at Ria store.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Is ridiculous that the fee is so high and I have never paid a fee for get my money before. So I will go to the police and review you
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 22:16 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Look Arne, going to the police will never make things work out and I never cheated you or lie to you. The bank are following normal procedure to complete the transfer into your account or are you willing to lose all you have paid for Arne, don’t waste time again.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
You lie to me again and tomorrow i will go to the police and review you for fool people.
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 22:06 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Look Arne, this is tax fee and all this fee you are paying is refundable and you also know that without the fee been paid the transfer cannot be completed. Please kindly try and make this payment to avoid any more fee.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you not understand what i’m telling you? I don’t have anymore money on my account? You told me that i’m should not pay anymore to get my money back
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 22:01 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Arne, kindly try and pay this last fee for tax so that they can transfer the money into your account same day. Because they said the more the fee is delayed the more the fee goes up Arne.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
The problem is that I don’t have more money on my account to pay more fee
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 21:55 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Look Arne, I never lied to you and the fee you are paying is with compensation of 6500 nok. You will receive all your money and try to fix this Tax fee in time so that they can transfer the money into your account.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
You can not promise anything, you are lying to me again? The fee for send the money is not soo much anyway
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 21:47 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
It is a tax fee for the transfer Arne and if this fee can be paid on time they said that the transfer will arrive at your account within 3 to 4 hours.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Why do I have to pay a new fee?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 21:23 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
I have just forward the email I got from them to you Arne.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
What do you mean?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 20:49 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes I will send you a copy and they said it likelyto demand for taxes for the transfer .
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Have the bank make the transfer?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 19:41 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes I believe that.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
But are you safe about that I will get my money today?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 19:30 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Is when I sent the receipt and the time I asked progress on the transfer.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
When did you get the last answer from the bank?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 19:22 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
I have send them an email now Arne.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Do I get my money today?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 18:34 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes Arne and be rest assure that you will receive all your money.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
But everything is okey so that my money will be on my account today?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 17:59 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Not yet just send them email now.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Have you got any information from the bank now?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 17:43 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Everything will be done.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
I hope this will be done today
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 17:18 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes Arne I’m also waiting .
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
So I will surely get my money soon?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 16:56 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
They are on it
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Is every going well?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 16:20 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes every single penny you have paid .
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes the total amount coming into your account is 245,000 nok, you will deduct all the money you have for paid and return the remainingbalance back okay.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Do I have to send you money after I have got my money?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 15:36 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes I’m also waiting for that Arne, also kindly return the remaining money after deducting all your money Arne.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Hope that everything going well this time that I will have money on my account today
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 15:16 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes they said they are working on your transfer
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Have the bank send you any information?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 14:57 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
I have explained to you that by 18:30
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
How long time will it be when the money is on my account?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 14:18 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes Arne I’m also waiting for the transfer to be done so that I can face my work Arne.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, so then I will get all my money today
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 13:09 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Of course that is what I’m trying to do Arne, but be rest assure that you are receiving all the money you have pay.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
If you are tired just send me the money and then this case is finish
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 12:39 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes Arne I will surely send you an email.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Send me a message when you got the email from the bank
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 12:23 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
No I’m still waiting for there email.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Have you got any information from the bank yet?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 12:16 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Very sure Arne.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Are you you sure about that?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 12:14 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Before 18:30 local time.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
When is the time?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 12:00 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Arne today the money will be transfer into your account.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
When do I get my money?
Mvh Arne
- jan. 2018 kl. 11:33 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Yes Arne
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you have my account number?Mvh Arne10. jan. 2018 kl. 10:47 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Arne trust me you will receive your money today.On Wednesday,
January 10, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!I hope I can trust you this time Mvh Arne.
jan. 2018 kl. 15:57 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Okay. On Tuesday,
January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!It will be done before 13:00 local time. Okey?Mvh Arne9.
jan. 2018 kl. 15:49 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Okay make sure the payment is done early tomorrow. On Tuesday,
January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!I understand what you are saying to me but I don’t want to do that I will make it all tomorrow when the shop is openMvh Arne.
jan. 2018 kl. 15:20 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Can I talk to you on phone to explain better to you maybe you understand written English very well.On Tuesday,
January 9, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:Look Arne, I’m just trying to make things get easier for both of us Okay. If you make the of the 2000 out of the 9850 this is to show the bank that you have try to commit yourself with part of the payment today and remaining money will be sent tomorrow and if you can make the online using the westernunion.no then it is okay.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!Why do I have to pay 2000 nok today when I can pay everything when the shop is open tomorrow Mvh Arne9.
jan. 2018 kl. 14:58 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>: No you are not paying any new fee Arne it is out of 9850 you taking the 2000 nok and you make the remaining when the stores open tomorrow I hope you understand that now Arne.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!No, because you told me that I now have to pay a new feeMvh Arne9. jan. 2018 kl. 14:48 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Have you made the payment online on westernunion.no using your card Arne. On
Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:Can you go to westernunion.no and make the payment of 2000 nok to avoid paying additional fee this will show the bank that a commitment had been made by you Arne.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!The shop is closed today so I have to make it tomorrow sorry Mvh Arne9. jan. 2018 kl. 13:55 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Have you made the payment Arne and the receiver name is Kola Kayode don’t forget that.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!Hopefully Mvh Arne9. jan. 2018 kl. 13:08 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Yes Arne, trust me this time. I promise you Arne.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!I hope I can trust you this timeMvh Arne9. jan. 2018 kl. 12:58 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Arne, I am not lying to you. You will get the money today.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!I hope you not lying to me this timeMvh Arne9.
jan. 2018 kl. 12:52 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Yes Arne, sure you will get your money. On Tuesday,
January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!Yes, do I get my money today if I pay it between these to timesMvh Arne9.
jan. 2018 kl. 12:44 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Can you pay within 13: 00 and 14:00?On Tuesday,
January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!I can pay it after 13:00 local time. is that okey?Mvh Arne9.
jan. 2018 kl. 12:22 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Yes Arne you will have your money today if you pay today , kindly make the payment on time now Arne.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!I will have my money today if I pay the fee, and don’t ask me for more fee after this and don’t say to my that i’m paying to late Mvh Arne8. jan. 2018 kl. 20:52 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Arne I don’t understand your opinion anymore, because the bank keep sending emails and I have try to explain to them to calm to avoid additional fee and I believe you can also receive the email from them. If you are not willing to take your money back and not to paying the fee come out straight so that I can also face my work, honestly I’m tired of all this Arne.
On Monday, January 8, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:I have sent you my picture, if I wanted to cheat you Arne, I will not make it up to this time. Kindly try and make this payment in time so that the transfer can be done today, and you can take all your moneyOn Monday,
January 8, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!You have to do something for me that I can trust you Mvh Arne8. jan. 2018 kl. 13:39 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:Arne please time is going let me know if you are paying the fee or not , kindly come out straight Arne. I need to go to work also and I just want this to be done.
On Monday, January 8, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:Arne, try to make this last payment so that they can complete the transfer
On Monday, January 8, 2018, Arne <svindlet@gmail.com> wrote:Hey!I will also be finished with all this if you not have lied to me too timesMvh Arne8. jan. 2018 kl. 12:45 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:I’m just trying to make this work out so that we can both face our works I’m tired of all this.On Monday, January 8, 2018, Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com> wrote:
Her er samtale mellom mor og svindler:
Fra: Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>
Dato: 10. januar 2018 kl. 23:54:57 CET
Til: Mother <mother@gmail.com>
Emne: Re: Question from a mother
Madam , my question is the police the bank transferring the money into your son’s account. That is all what they will tell the girl, but all the fee your son have paid will be transfer into his account without any problem OK.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Mother <mother@gmail.com> wrote:
He has including sent you iPhone 7 also sent you 8000,- nok. Because you tell him that it was sometihing wrong with the transferring. This is bullshit. You now had cheat him First by sending the mobil and after Ask for the same amount that you should send to him, telling that this amount was gooing wrong. I am in shock, this is Very clear for my now. You have cheat my son for 7400,- pluss 8000,- I am really in shock.
I redd about this in newspaper, a girl has been cheated like this, but had go to police and they Ask her not to send money.
- jan. 2018 kl. 23:34 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
He will surely receive his money without any problem OK madam.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Mother <mother@gmail.com> wrote:
What kind of instruction Are you takling about. This case is Very strange to understand, what exactly Are you asking him to do? He had give IBAN nr for his acount in his bank. If that is not enought I do not understand what you doing in this, you buy a iPhone 7 and will not pay the money to his acount, that what I only see here.
Greetings the mother
- jan. 2018 kl. 23:23 skrev Jeansgbola Paul <jeansgbolap@gmail.com>:
Hi Mrs ,
Good evening to you in Norway and I never cheated on your son about the transfer. Mrs , I also work for money I will never cheat a human being like me and I have explain severally to your son Arne. Going to the police cannot solve the problem, because they are not the bank transferring the money into your son’s account tell Arne he will surely receive his money after doing the instructions
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Mother <mother@gmail.com> wrote:
To the father of Ekinn Abola.
I’m the mother of Arne , who has sent an iPhone 7 to your son, Ekinn Abola in the UK, for which you have not paid yet???
You owe my son 7400, – NOK.
That is the price you accept to buy this mobil for including mail-cost
My son has purified this amount for several weeks. Why don’t you send the money you have agreed to pay for the mobile?
My son has the bills for the sending, the address of your son, and all the mail from you on his computer. You have asked him to go to the Forex agency here in Sarpsborg for receiving his money, which does NOT come into his account???
My son is a student and does not have much money, he plan to buy new phone but still wait for his money from you. Have you been so rude and contact Finn.no for «steeling» a mobil to your son, you told my son that you was in Stavanger and saw the mobil in Finn.no. Are you cheated my son??? This is not funny, this is rather sad???.
If you do not pay the mobile phone you bought to your son in the UK in a few days, we will contact the police for help.
It’s shameful and tricky of you as a person, if that’s what this is about. Then I can only go out here wide in Norway and warn against such types as you.
Now I hope you choose to make up for you, as this has made my son very upset and sad.
Greeting from arnes mother
Her er alt pengemas fra svindler:
Dear Valued Client,
We have delay that occur on your transfer. We have Experience some error from the buyer‘s account about the transfer, The money was transfer from the buyer‘s account Twelve times due to late response on the update on the shipment information and in which the transfer cannot be reverse back to the to the buyer‘s account due to the security and law in our bank, it has being transfer and it is already on your name and account number, but be rest assure that after paying this fees the money will be transfer into your account. Then you can deduct all your money return the remaining back to us. The Money was transferred Twelve times which makes it (90,000.00 NOK). But the bank to transfer the money, you will have to pay a commitment fee of (2,300.00 NOK) and make sure you get back to us with the sending information you got from the Money Gram or western union. After we get the Money Gram or western union information from you. We will confirm the payment from them. The money will be remitted into your account with immediate effect, the reason why they started requesting for this fee, Is that. We have transfer such error amount into some customers account which they ran away with the money without returning anything, that is the reason why the banking co-operation made this fee as a compulsory fee to all customers this mistake occur to and The Commitment fee has to be receive by ROTIMI AMOS in our Office in Nigeria. This commitment fee you are paying are refundable, as soon as you receive the (90,000.00 NOK) into your account you will deduct the commitment fee and the money for the package you have shipped, We also arrange a compensation amount of (2,000.00 NOK). Kindly go now to Money gram or western union store near you to make the payment as soon as possible. Here is the receiver of the fee information below
Receiver Name: ROTIMI AMOS
Receiver Address: No 14 Kehinde Street.
Receiver City: Ikeja
Receiver State:Lagos State
Receiver Zip Code:23401
Receiver Country: Nigeria
Kindly follow the banks procedure and be rest assured that we will credit your account as soon as you make the transfer.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to your online payment needs in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Standard Chartered Bank International ™
- Bletty.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Som du ser så starter de rolig, men her snakker de om mye penger. De fortsetter å mase.
Dear Valued Client,
This is to inform you again that it’s been some Hours ago now that we have being expecting your response regarding the Payment receipt and the MTCN code we requested from you but we are unable to hear back from you. So we urge you to go now and make the payment without any delay and get back to us with the Payment Receipt you got from the Western Union Store. So that we can contact your bank for accreditation on time. As soon as we received the Payment confirmation from you, We are very sorry for any delay we may have caused.The banking sector are only doing these for the Safeguard of both you and the buyer of your item and the money against Fraudulent Activities. So that both of you will not lose at the end of the transaction, Hopefully to hear back from you as soon as you received this message.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to your online payment needs in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Standard Chartered Bank International ™B. Bletty.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
De vil veldig gjerne ha pengene dine.
Dear Valued Client,
We have receive your Commitment fee information and the Money is ready to be transfer into your account in Norway. We now require the receiver to pay an MOT FEE. The MOT fee you are paying is also refundable, this MOT fee is a fee requested from all receiver from Scandinavian countries. Once you receive the 90,000 NOK on your account, you can deduct all the money you have paid. Kindly go to the nearest Money Gram, RIA or Western Union near you and pay the Sum of 3,200 NOK. So that we can immediately authorize the transfer into your account and a compensation money for this amount you are paying is 1,800 NOK for these new fee, here is the receiver information below.
Receiver Name: AMOS ROTIMI
Receiver Address: No 15 Kehinde Street.
Receiver City: Ikeja
Receiver State:Lagos State
Receiver Zip Code:23401
Receiver Country: Nigeria
Kindly follow the banks procedure and be rest assured that we will credit your account as soon as you make the transfer.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to your online payment needs in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Standard Chartered Bank International ™
- Bletty.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
: Toll Free: +1-800-Standard Chartered Bank.
Og de maser mere.
Dear Valued Client,
This is to inform you again that it’s been some Days ago now that we have being expecting your response regarding the Payment receipt and the MTCN code we requested from you but we are unable to hear back from you. So we urge you to go now and make the payment without any delay and get back to us with the Payment Receipt you got from the Western Union Store. So that we can contact your bank for accreditation on time. As soon as we received the Payment confirmation from you, We are very sorry for any delay we may have caused.The banking sector are only doing these for the Safeguard of both you and the buyer of your item and the money against Fraudulent Activities. So that both of you will not lose at the end of the transaction, Hopefully to hear back from you as soon as you received this message.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to your online payment needs in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Standard Chartered Bank International ™B. Bletty.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
når de maser så får de til slutt det de ber om.

Så fortsetter de å mase igjen.
Dear Valued Client,
We have receive the MOT. Do not put the blame on us for the new fee. Because you caused the delay yourself and this is your fault and we have alerted the account the Money was Multiply Five times which makes it 450,000:00 NOK. That is why we always tell you to make the payment on time. We urge you to go and make the payment of 4,850:00 NOK as a TAX fee, Once the TAX fee is Paid. The money will be transfer into your account immediately and you can deduct the 2,300:00 NOK + 3,200:00 NOK and the 4,850:00 NOK you will pay now and return the remaining money back as soon as it arrive on your account. Kindly go and make the payment to avoid another charges or late transfer, anymore delay may cause more charges. Because the 450,000:00 NOK is activated and ready to be transfer into your account in Norway.
Kindly follow the banks procedure and be rest assured that we will credit your account as soon as you make the transfer.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to your online payment needs in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Standard Chartered Bank International ™
- Bletty.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Som du ser så er svindlerne frekke, de maser mye om betalinger og de vil ha tak i pengene dine fort. Så er du usikker på kjøp på finn.no? Alltid sjekk med andre. Du kan også kontakte finn.no og spørre dem. De har mye advarsler på sine sider.
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